I Know You Louise Booth & Missing Mass

Missing Mass takes the situation of the “tragedy”
as its focus and then strips away the context of
the narrative to produce a series of fragmented
floating signifiers. Composed of three related sets
of images, sharing a similar formal style and
presentation, they interrogate relationships
between the body and technology, architecture
and speed. Since 1999, the collaborative collective
known as KIT has dealt with the theme of the
crash as the ultimate spectacle. Composed of Java
developers, architects and photographers, KIT’s
production reflects the input of multiple sources
and defies an identifiable artistic style while dealing
with an expansive set of ideas.

In 2001 Rachel Kalpana James purchased the diary
of Louise Booth, a woman (now deceased) who
was living in Toronto in 1941. I Know You, Louise
Booth investigates the process of constructing and
interpreting an identity. In presenting the evidence
of a life lived, the artist initiates a process of
reflection upon the nature of identity. Combining
digital prints of the diary, collaged images, charts
of various daily activities and recorded narrations
which interpret Louise’s personality, the installation
comments on the multitude of factors that
determine her personality and contribute to an
understanding of a year in Louise Booth’s life.

In the Vitrines exhibition entitled, Dhaka’s
Street Art, the artists Mehzun Ruband and Ashek
Sakhawat have created colourful montages that
testify to the vitality of India’s folk traditions.