Imagining Places – The Destruction of Space

Imagining Places investigates ways in which
people create
notions of distant places. The images synthesize
sources, including old maps, satellite and
reconnaissance data,
with photographs taken by the artist in the Middle
East and
North Africa through the composite layering of both
and analog images. Although most of these
sources have
been collected or transformed digitally, they are
all “true” in
the sense that none of the essential data have
been altered.
To preserve this sense of objectivity about the
place, they have
been combined together using analog camera and
in a conventional photographic darkroom on
paper. Nevertheless, the final images are highly
and personal. Despite the fact they all of them are –
one way
or another – true, in the end they represent a
highly subjective
construction of the sense of place; an imaginary
place. In
this way, they attempt to interrogate the process
of constructing
the notions of “other” places.

Artist’s talk May 19, 5:30 pm

School of Image Arts, Ryerson University

122 Bond Street

3rd floor lecture hall

Curated by David Harris