Group Exhibition IN MAY (AFTER OCTOBER)

  • Matias Faldbakken (Norway)
  • Duncan Campbell (Ireland/Scotland)
  • Andreas Bunte (Germany)
  • Thea Djordjadze (Georgia/Germany)
  • Cyprien Gaillard (France)
  • Luis Jacob (Peru/Canada)
  • Claire Fontaine (France)
  • Luca Frei (Switzerland/Sweden)
  • Pia Ronicke (Denmark)
  • Nora Schultz (Germany)

In May (After October) takes its title
from two revolutionary moments
in Western history: Russia’s October
Revolution of 1917 and the French
student protests of May 1968. It also
makes reference to the social and
political change that many people
hope will be a result of the election
of Barack Obama in the US. This
widespread call for ongoing change
provides a platform for us to consider
the political efficacy of aesthetic
practice. In particular, this exhibition
focuses on photographic images,
videos and films that share in common
an interest in the articulation
of a productive refusal. From virtual
abstraction to appropriated archival
images and experiments with narrative
structure, this international group
of artists moves beyond the creation of
easily consumed or didactic artworks.
Together their works raise questions,
asking how we can find new ways to
say “no” and formulate suggestions
for political and aesthetic alternatives.
Organized by Kathrin Meyer and Tim