Group Exhibition Its Time

  • Gao Brothers
  • Elaine Stocki
  • Anne Arden McDonald
  • Osheen Harruthoonyan

Photographs by their very nature
alter our perception of time. Snatched
from the narrative of our daily lives,
photographic moments allow viewers
to step outside themselves, pause and
contemplate an image in their own
time. This exhibition considers the
push and pull of time within the context
of photography by examining a
variety of photographic practices, past
and present.

Elaine Stocki’s portraits capture
just a fraction of a second from a
sitting that stretched on for hours.
Brooklyn-based artist Anne Arden
McDonald augments her photochemistry
with household solutions such
as bleach, aspirin and lemon juice to
create contact prints that appear more
painterly than photographic. Digital
tools enable the Gao Brothers from
China to seemingly stretch time in
their monumental piece, the Forever
Unfinished Building
, while Osheen
Harruthoonyan’s installation turns the
camera obscura inside out, with realtime
images projected into the Drake’s
entrance. The exhibition continues
on the front of the building where a
dynamic slide show of archival photographs
flows like a stream of consciousness
every night in May.

Curated by Mia Nielsen and Catherine Dean