Group Exhibition Hermann & Audrey

  • Steve Carty
  • Javier Lovera
  • Jalani Morgan
  • Stefania Sgambelluri
  • Jon Todd
  • Cory Vanderploeg
  • Kwame Delfish
  • Scott McIntyre
  • Simón Rojas
  • Kimberley Yun
  • Skam

In a world of instant information where we are exposed to a barrage of images daily, the exhibition presented by Hermann & Audrey creates an opportunity for viewers to take control of and define their relationship with photography. Fusing traditional art techniques with cutting edge technologies, the exhibition engages the viewer, giving them the opportunity to physically interact with the art and participate in story telling. This transforms the tradition of passive viewing into a more active engagement, creating high definition experiences for multiple senses.

In Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan defined photography as a ‘hot’ medium, characterized by single sense stimulation with a high degree of data. According to McLuhan, absorption of the ‘hot’ message requires minimal involvement on the part of the viewer. ‘Cold’ mediums, by contrast, are low in data because little visual information is provided, thus putting the user in a more active role of filling in the gaps. Hermann & Audrey’s exhibition reacts against McLuhan’s principles by demanding viewer involvement in the process; suggesting that the consumption of still images can be ‘cold’. The show presents five unique artworks, collaborations by 11 artists, that enable highly participatory experiences and interactions between photography, technology and the viewer. See Talks for information about the panel discussion.

Curated by Hermann & Audrey; Jacquelyn West, Steve Carty, Javier Lovera, Jalani Morgan

Jalani Morgan is a first-generation Canadian cultural anthropologist and photographer based in Toronto, whose body of work ranges from reportage to formal studio portraits. Primarily self-taught, Morgan’s photographic curiosity, craft and technical skills culminate in a multifaceted practice that chronicles visual representations of Black life and communities—both in a Canadian context as well as across the greater contemporary African diaspora. Morgan is the photo editor for The West End Phoenix, an independent, non-profit community newspaper known for its diverse storytelling. He has established a 15-year career producing editorial works for various newspapers and magazines.