Group Exhibition In Her Presence: Selected Photographs by Women from the Mira Godard Research Centre, Ryerson University

  • Barbara Blondeau
  • Judy Dater
  • Berenice Abbott
  • Julia Margaret Cameron
  • Betty Hahn
  • Wendy Snyder MacNeil
  • Clara Gutsche

Ryerson Gallery presents two exhibitions that focus on images made by women.

By investigating the subjects and spaces to which women have traditionally had access, In Her Presence considers the role played by female photographers in the representation of women outside the stereotypical imagery of advertisements. The photographs move beyond an idealization of subject, allowing themes of vulnerability, ageing, and illness to emerge. From the work of Julia Margaret Cameron in the 1860s, through Dorothea Lange and Judy Dater, to more contemporary imagery by Wendy Snyder MacNeil, the exhibition attests to the enduring influence of both past and current photographic practices by women. Curated by third and fourth-year students in the Curation and Exhibitions course, School of Image Arts, Ryerson University.

Curated by Curation and Exhibitions Class with Professor David Harris