OCAD Graduating Students OCAD 2010 Photo Thesis Show

May 11–29,  2010

This student-driven exhibition introduces an exciting group of talented emerging artists from the prestigious photography program of the Ontario College of Art & Design. This exhibition showcases a variety of photographic perspectives from the thesis work of these promising recent graduates.

Including work by:

Heather Appleby, Nasrin Arghavani Fard, Olivia Cataford, Sam Catalfamo, Caitlin Cox, Dianne Davis, Sherri Dawson, Alex Illich, Jeffrey Kum, Meryl McMaster, Amanda Mendham, Tue-Si Nguyen, Elena Prospero, Darren Rigo, Niki Ross, Danielle Schon, Logan Shishido, Salina Stange, Kate Subak, Brandon Titaro, Jesse Todd, Stella Uhm, Victoria Vitasek


Curated by Danielle Schön and Brandon Titaro

Curated by 0