Drasko Bogdanovic Persuasion Of Men
Persuasion of Men examines society’s view of male nudity and the uncomfortable fit between masculinity and beauty. Bogdanovic‘s intimate portraits depict men without focusing on sexual orientation. The images draw the viewer into a game of voyeur and exhibitionist filled with erotic charge and sexual tension, guaranteed to arouse. Presenting a natural attitude to nudity, Bogdanovic strives to illustrate curiosity and freedom towards the male form.
Whatever your reaction to this collection of exquisite and powerful photographs might be what works for me is that- in a world where the computer hook-up has replaced the more visceral experience of meeting someone in real life, a world where our bodies are chopped up into pictures of genitals and other parts and displayed like cuts of meat in an electronic catalogue- it’s wonderful to see an artist who shows us the male form from head to toe and everything in between, including the beauty and power of the penis. These images are of men in their entirety, the complete man, the whole man- and for that they should be celebrated. – Brad Fraser
GRASP is an art, performance and dance club located inside, but separate from an actual bathhouse. It is not just a space to be seen but to be experienced. What separates GRASP from the rest is its unique use of space. Backing onto a bay of actual spa rooms that have been converted into glass-enclosed show rooms, GRASP has taken the act of performance art and erotica to a level never seen in Toronto.
Signed and numbered limited edition book with introduction by Brad Fraser will be available only at the opening reception and open edition online at draskobogdanovic.ca as of May 7th 2010.
preview "Persuasion Of Men" book here
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