Peter Wilkins Loop

Peter Wilkins’ recent series Loop is an examination of built environments and how “pattern languages” relate to urban planning and public space within Toronto. Working with photography and the moving image, Wilkins transforms man-made surroundings into colourful kaleidoscopic images, which are occasionally disrupted by the subtle rhythm of pedestrians moving through the space. His investigations of landscape and architecture accentuate optical structures, as figure and ground are transposed into geometric patterns through repetition and reflection.

By putting each photograph through a simple iterative process, multiple versions of the original are reconfigured into a grid. This abstraction compels the viewer to inspect each structure closely in an attempt to identify its context. Design elements and composition become a focal point, yet the documentary aspect remains visible–each building or skyline is recognizably taken on a certain day and at a certain time. These images move between panorama and detail, material and immaterial. Loop creates a dialogue across time and space through the interplay of architectural landscapes reimagined into mesmerizing patterned forms.

Curated by Shauna McCabe