Doug Ischar Undertow

This exhibition of works by American artist Doug Ischar highlights three diverse periods: his early photographic work; his installation work of the 1990s; and his recent experimental films.

Ischar’s concern with queer masculinity and the poetics of loss runs throughout the exhibition. The photographs from Marginal Waters (1985) depict a seemingly edenic world of toned, sun-bathed bodies, behind which lurk the spectres of AIDS and reaction. Video installation works subtly overlay scenes of violence and sexuality onto male artifacts and apparel. The films Alone With You (2011) and Tristes Tarzan (2012), on view at Vtape, explore queer desire in the folds of film and television history, the former focusing on professional wrestling, the  latter on Tarzan lore. 

Undertow is co-presented with Vtape 
401 Richmond St. W. Suite 452