Colin Miner What is to be done (available light)

May 1–29,  2015

This exhibition offers a conception of photography as developed through pages found in photographic manuals dating from the 1980s to present. By positioning photography as a question without an answer, the potential of the present and future of the medium remains open. Feelings of anxiety lurk within this openness, disrupting the viewer’s understanding of time as linear and progressive through the questioning of past, present, and future.

Colin Miner – The fugitive and cyclical are ongoing departures for Colin Miner, whose practice takes form through assemblage, composition, and duration. Recent solo exhibitions include La Datcha (Berlin) and 8eleven (Toronto). His work has been part of group exhibitions at The Contemporary Art Gallery (Vancouver), 2nd Kamias Triennial (Quezon City), and the Beijing Art Centre of Art (Beijing). Ongoing projects include Moire, a digital publication, and the experimental exhibition space, Moire’s catwalk.