Paige Lindsay Thank You! Call Again!

Paige Lindsay is an emerging visual artist and writer who works with images, text, and found objects to create narrative projects. Thank you! Call Again! looks to the city of Toronto as a setting to explore notions of chance, place, humour, the extraordinary within the ordinary, and the different ways people indicate their presence in an urban space. This story-driven piece combines Lindsay’s collection of found notes with pictures of objects and traces left behind by others, and the tale of a building that is in love with Canada’s tallest freestanding structure, the CN Tower. These seemingly disparate elements are brought together in the gallery to create a portrait of Toronto. The exhibition will change over time to mimic the layers of content continually added and removed to the public spaces of a city by its inhabitants.

Several events will take place throughout the exhibition, including a live reading/performance and a guided tour of the area surrounding Ryerson Artspace; participants will be encouraged to hunt for stray notes and create stories about the objects they discover.