Nadya Kwandibens Indigenous Rising

May 1–31,  2018

For a list of the 21 participating venues displaying this project throughout Kensington Market, please visit

Indigenous Rising, photographed by Nadya Kwandibens in partnership with Photographers Without Borders, is a portrait series dedicated to Indigenous artists, scholars, media-makers, activists, and survivors whose work centres and amplifies stories of Indigenous resistance, reclamation, resurgence, decolonization, and intelligence. Portraits are accompanied by a message from each subject and on display in Kensington Market for the month of May during CONTACT Photography Festival.

Afternoon Reception
Pow Wow Cafe: 12:30–2:30pm
213 Augusta Ave

Evening Reception
Socialite: 7pm – 12am
276 Augusta Ave

Nadya Kwandibens is Anishinaabe from the Animakee Wa Zhing #37 First Nation in northwestern Ontario. She is an award winning photographer and a Canon Ambassador. In 2008 she founded Red Works Photography. Red Works is a dynamic photography company empowering contemporary Indigenous lifestyles and cultures through photographic essays, features, and portraits. Red Works specializes in natural light portraiture and headshots sessions plus event and concert photography. Nadya’s photography has been exhibited in group and solo shows across Canada and the United States. She currently resides in Tkarón:to on Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Mississauga of the Credit River & Dish With One Spoon Territory. In 2023, she was declared the City of Toronto’s third Photo Laureate.