Felicity Hammond Post Production

Apr 17–Sep 5,  2018

Presented in conjunction with Felicity Hammond’s exhibition Arcades in the CONTACT Gallery.

For Post Production (2018), Hammond has collaged architectural renderings and photographs she has taken of Toronto’s skyline. Her layers of images reference the methods that are used to imagine new buildings, and the tendency to build on top of industrial properties whose original function is now obsolete. As a large-format mural positioned on the façade of a heritage building that has housed many different functions over the years, her work creates a dialogue with the surrounding developments, employing their visualization aesthetics to collapse and confuse the space between the real and the virtual. Simulated landscapes and vistas of new developments dominate the city scape, providing a window into the digital realm—not to be confused with the physical reality that it points toward.

Curated by Bonnie Rubenstein