Gallery 44 Members Spectra: Gallery 44 Members Show, Part 1

Apr 24–May 5,  2019
  • Linda Briskin
  • Ulla Djelweh
  • John Faragher
  • Brian Hart
  • Josh Henderson
  • Margarita Barrientos-Macdonald
  • Kye Marshall
  • Eliza Moore
  • Huw Morgan
  • Joachim Oepkes
  • David Pokorny
  • Lilianne Schneider
  • Ted Scott
  • Bahar Toussi
  • Seth Vane

Spectra is a three-part exhibition by an innovative group of Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography members. The photographers have pooled their talents to showcase work that represents a variety of photographic concepts and techniques, celebrates artistic practice, and reveals ways seemingly disparate work can intersect. Spectra reflects the spirit embodied by the community of Gallery 44.