Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs Future Perfect


Video, 5:37min. 2020.

In this recent short film, the artists present a narrative about their current project, Future Perfect, where documentation and fiction come together to reflect on the fragility of the planet. Their public installation, sited alongside Toronto’s Metro Hall, is on view for the month of October 2021.

The collaborative practice of the Swiss duo Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs is ongoing since 2003 and sustained by extensive travels across the globe, which they rigorously document using still and moving-image cameras. While their journeys and shared studio-based activities are presently disrupted as they shelter apart–Onorato lives in the city of Zurich, and Krebs, in the countryside near Bratislava, Slovakia–they continue to creatively evolve their work across distance and various forms of communication.