May 19–Jun 24,  2023
    FASTWÜRMS, Red Rum Tut (IBGYBG), 2014. Courtesy of the artists and Paul Petro Contemporary, Toronto
FASTWÜRMS, Red Rum Tut (IBGYBG), 2014. Courtesy of the artists and Paul Petro Contemporary, Toronto

Based in the territory of Treaty 18, FASTWÜRMS’ witch queer #VOLCANO_LOV3R is a primordial geo-queer liberation narrative, the super-heated witchcraft of “‘many and more,” the vulcanology and libidinal economy of abundance, reciprocity, and generosity. #VOLCANO_LOV3R is presented in conjunction with the exhibition Mukwe Dodem (I Am Bear Clan) by Michel Dumont, a queer, two-spirit, Métis artist from the Robinson-Superior Treaty area.

FASTWÜRMS, Untitled, 1984. Courtesy of the artists and Paul Petro Contemporary, Toronto

Like a wind, like a storm, like a fire, like an earthquake, like a mud slide, like a deluge, like a tree falling, a torrent roaring, an ice floe breaking, like a tidal wave, like a shipwreck, like an explosion, like a lid blown off, like a consuming fire, like spreading blight, like a sky darkening, a bridge collapsing, a hole opening. Like a volcano erupting.

— Susan Sontag, The Volcano Lover, 1992

Like the love of Lord Hamilton and Vesuvius, #VOLCANO_LOV3R is a cauldron of boundless unexpected abundance brimming with obsidian sexual potential.

Volcanos are world builders. Poly-sexual, generative and procreative, they build islands and atolls, mountains and continents, landscapes of soil rich in life-giving nutrients and minerals.

Volcanos are dragons and destroyers of worlds. Harbingers of cataclysm, poisonous gas, smothering ash —the death of cities and civilizations.

FASTWÜRMS, Wurmhole, Crew Portrait #7 (Medical Officer), 1998. Courtesy of the artists and Paul Petro Contemporary, Toronto

#VOLCANO_LOV3R is an aesthetic cauldron of maximalist profusion: “Nothing succeeds like excess.” — Oscar Wilde

Queer vulcanology: the magma chamber as a maximalist mxn cave, feeding a fiery caldera brimming with pyroclastic affect.

#VOLCANO_LOV3R conflates sexual energy and diversity with the world-building profusion and procreative power of the volcano.

FASTWÜRMS, Wurmhole, Crew Portrait #5 (Squeegee Officer), 1996 (Cibachrome print). Courtesy of the artists and Paul Petro Contemporary, Toronto

#VOLCANO_LOV3R is a hot pocket fumarole queen, the Ace of Wands and the Queen of Cups. the sun, the star, the lovers and the tower.

#VOLCANO_LOV3R sleeps with the seismic data of sustainable love.

#VOLCANO_LOV3R is certified by Witch Nation and approved by the gay magma chamber of commerce.

Michel Dumont, Mission Indian Day School, 2020 (ceramic tile, kintsugi, artist frame; 33x39in.). Presented in Michel Dumont’s concurrent exhibition Mukwe Dodem (I Am Bear Clan). Courtesy of the artist and Paul Petro Contemporary, Toronto

#VOLCANO_LOV3R is presented in conjunction with the exhibition Mukwe Dodem (I Am Bear Clan) by Michel Dumont, a queer, two-spirit, Métis artist from the Robinson-Superior Treaty area.

Presented by Paul Petro Contemporary

FASTWÜRMS (formed 1979) is the cultural project, trademark, and joint authorship of Kim Kozzi and Dai Skuse. FASTWÜRMS artwork is characterized by a poly-disciplinary DIY sensibility, Queer and Witch positivity identity politics, and a keen allegiance towards feminist, working class, and artist collaborations. Guided by the ethos of ecology and the praxis of Witchcraft, FASTWÜRMS has extensive experience making public art, installation art, social making and performance art, landscape and earth art, vernacular and artist architecture, ceramics, ecology, geology, and enminded living systems. FASTWÜRMS is a recipient of the 2023 Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts.