Kevin Aranibar Sequence Rendering

May 15–21,  2023

This installation was first exhibited in 2018 at the Leslie Lohman Museum in New York City. Today, New York City native Kevin Aranibar brings his ongoing narrative to Stackt Market here in Toronto.

The universal form that is the green construction site shed, usually overlooked, represents a space that is under renovation, about to be inhabited or was once inhabited. Think of a blank canvas, a work in progress of sorts. Perhaps an everyday walk includes coming in contact with such a mundane structure and with a peering glance through the diamond shaped window we examine the evolving landscape of our own reality. That is if we are conscious and curious of course. Yet our individual encounter summons the use of our imagination to render what will be constructed. We envision the what was and the what will become, bringing into question the relationship between the past, present and future.

Aranibar invites you to think about your own existence within space and time and asks you to write down your own personal thoughts, advice, opinions, hopes, fears, desires, ideas or frustrations addressed to any aged versions of your past, present or future self. Think of it like sending a letter to yourself or anyone you think of. All submissions will then be submitted through the door slot and collected to later be published.

This installation here is paired with images from Aranibar’s original Over The Fence photo series which explores themes of cultural identity, sexuality, masculinity, self reflection and memory. Alongside this is the door to the old house the artist spent his formative years and a selection of new images made over the last four years.