Darkroom Printing

$20 / $10 early bird tickets
Spots are limited to three people per time slot

Available dates and times:
– Saturday, May 13 at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
– Saturday, May 20 at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

Presented by 183 Gallery. Get out those negatives from your family, antique finds, friends! If you have a 35mm black and white film you wish to print, please bring it. Otherwise, the artist will provide some negatives to use.

The activity will last around two hours:
– preliminary briefing (15 minutes)
– printing in the dark room (45 minutes)
– print drying time (one hour). You can plan to look around the gallery’s CONTACT exhibition or explore the neighbourhood while your prints dry.

All materials will be provided, including paper and chemistry. You are encouraged to bring your own black and white 35mm film to enlarge, but it’s not necessary. Participants will sign a release of responsibility waiver.