Anahí González

Anahí González (she/her) is a Mexican photographer based in London, ON. Her practice explores visual narratives about Mexican labour for/within Canada to decenter the United States narrative concerning Mexican migration. She is a Research Associate of The Creative Food Research Collaboratory, contributor editor of The Embassy Cultural House, and an Art and Visual Culture Ph.D. candidate at Western University. Her work has been included in exhibitions and screenings in Mexico, Canada, Norway, Spain, and France.

Anahí González
Anahí González, Atrapado, 2022, from the series Allá Más Al Norte. Courtesy of the artist

From the Archives

  • 2023 / core / exhibition

    Anahí González
    Hacia Arriba / Upwards

    Fuelled by an interest in the relationship between Mexico and Canada, the London (Ontario)-based Mexican photographer Anahí González draws attention to systems of power that prioritize the movement of products while restricting the movement and agency of labourers. The exhibition comprises photographs and sculptural installations that intertwine ideas encompassing migration, labour movement, national identity, and photography as an event.