Angela Grauerholz

Angela Grauerholz, artist/photographer and graphic designer, has been exhibited and collected widely in Canada, the US, and Europe. She has participated in many international events of distinction including the Sydney Biennale (1990), documenta IX (1992), the Carnegie International (1995) and the Montréal Biennale (2004). She was awarded several prestigious prizes for her accomplishments in the arts, such as Québec’s Prix Paul-Émile Borduas (2006), the Canada Council’s Governor General Award in Visual and Media Arts (2014), and in 2015 the distinguished Scotiabank Photography Award (Toronto). As Full Professor at the École de design, UQAM (Université du Québec in Montréal)—where she also directed the Centre de design (2008 to 2012)—she taught typography and photography from 1988 to 2017. In 2019, the Emily Carr University of Art + Design awarded her an Honorable Doctorate of Letters.

Angela Grauerholz
Angela Grauerholz, Carousel, 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Olga Korper Gallery

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