Gisela Motta and Leandro Lima

Gisela Motta and Leandro Lima began their collaboration in 1997. Their work has been presented in group and solo exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro; Ema Gordon Klabin Cultural Foundation, São Paulo; Brazilian Museum of Sculpture and Ecology, São Paulo; Museum of History, Nantes, France; National Museum of Arts, La Paz, Bolivia; Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro; LAXART, Los Angeles; Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo; British Cultural Center, São Paulo; Helsinki International Artist Programme Project Room, Helsinki; Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, UT; Aloisio Magalhães Museum of Modern Art, Recife, Brazil; and the New Museum, New York, among others. They have participated in international biennials and festivals including Beijing Photo Biennial, China; Guangzhou Image Triennial, China; Bienal Sur, Buenos Aires; and the International Festival of Contemporary Art SESC_Videobrasil, São Paulo, among others.

Gisela Motta and Leandro Lima
Claudia Andujar, Gisela Motta & Leandro Lima, YANO-A, (detail, installation view) 1976–2005. (Video projector, overhead projector, photolithograph, colour filter, fan, aquarium and water.) Courtesy the artists and Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo

From the Archives