Judith Price

Judith Price combines a 30+ year trans-disciplinary art practice with a background in modern dance. Her body of work includes performances, video, video installation, site-specific installations and short films. Her performances include site-specific street actions, interventions, and collaborative and durational works, and her solo performances in galleries and festival events incorporate still images, video projections, and sculpture, merging performance and video installation. She is a founding member of the Open Action performance collective. Price lives in Victoria, BC, and is retired from teaching post-secondary courses in time-based art. Judith is an uninvited guest on the Lekwungen/Esquimalt, Songhees and WSÁNEĆ territory.

Judith Price
Johanna Householder and Judith Price, Episode 11: Kitchen Party (a), (video still), 2021–22. Courtesy of the artists

From the Archives

  • 2023 / core / exhibition

    Johanna Householder & Judith Price
    Diptychs: 43° N, 79° W / 48° N, 123° W

    This project by Canadian artists Johanna Householder & Judith Price comprises seven intimate and diaristic video works created over Zoom during COVID-19 lockdowns, shot between Pacific and Eastern time zones. They are "an attempt to restore touch and peripheral vision to a world condensed into a 2880 x 1800 [pixel] slab of metals and electrons." This is a new installation of the project first shown in 2022 at the Dunlop Art Gallery.