Kota Ezawa

Kota Ezawa, born 1969 in Cologne, is a German-Japanese artist and Professor of Film and Fine Arts at California College of the Arts. Ezawa studied at Art Academy Düsseldorf with Nam June Paik and holds an MFA from Stanford University. He has had solo shows at Hayward Gallery Projects Space, London, and at the Vancouver Art Gallery, and has participated in group exhibitions at the Whitney Museum, New York; The Art Institute of Chicago; and Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid. Ezawa was a resident at Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, Japan, and his work is held in collections including MoMA and the Musée D’Art Contemporain de Montréal. Monographs include The Crime of Art and The History of Photography Remix.

Kota Ezawa
Kota Ezawa, National Anthem, 2018 (still image from single-channel video with sound, 1:48 min, looped). Courtesy of the artist, Murray Guy, New York, and Galerie Beckers, Frankfurt

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