Oreet Ashery

Oreet Ashery’s practice includes live art, video, 2D image-making and installations exploring ideological, social and gender constructions against a backdrop of wider social and cultural contexts. She draws on her personal politics and identity to produce often collaborative or participatory work questioning the modes and conditions of art production. In 2017 Ashery won the Jarman Award for the work Revisiting Genesis, exhibited in London and elsewhere (2016–18), and in 2020 she was awarded a Turner Bursary for her contribution to the exhibition Misbehaving Bodies: Jo Spence and Oreet Ashery at the Wellcome Collection in London. Her work has been exhibited internationally including at the Brooklyn Museum, New York; Centre Pompidou, Paris, and the Freud Museum, London.

Oreet Ashery
Oreet Ashery, Revisiting Genesis – Episode 8: Bambi, Online Death, 2016 (video). Courtesy of the artist

From the Archives

  • 2023 / core / exhibition

    Group Exhibition
    Tumbling In Harness

    This exhibition brings together Oreet Ashery, Common Accounts, Stine Deja, Charlie Engman, Russell Perkins, and Vunkwan Tam, six artists who explore representations of death and grief within the digital sphere. Collectively, their work acts as an inquiry into the sociological implications of online death in the age of advanced capitalism—a complex, recently-emergent phenomenon whose consequences are yet to be fully understood.