Russell Perkins

Russell Perkins makes work across media that aims to understand how economic imperatives register on the individual body. Recent projects were made together with forensic scientists, professional poker players, a biochemical reagent manufacturer, and singers specializing in extended vocal techniques. He received an MFA from Hunter College in 2018, where he was The Artist’s Institute’s Lazarus Curatorial Fellow. While at Hunter, he also conducted research in the archives of architect Lina Bo Bardi in São Paulo, Brazil with support from an Evelyn Kranes Kossak Travel Grant. His work is informed by two years studying philosophy at the University of Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar, and a long term commitment to anti-prison activism as co-founder of Wesleyan University’s Center for Prison Education.

Russell Perkins
Russell Perkins, The Future Tense, 2012 (installation view of multi-channel sound installation, infinite length; Les Réserves du Frac Île-de-France). Courtesy of the artist

From the Archives

  • 2023 / core / exhibition

    Group Exhibition
    Tumbling In Harness

    This exhibition brings together Oreet Ashery, Common Accounts, Stine Deja, Charlie Engman, Russell Perkins, and Vunkwan Tam, six artists who explore representations of death and grief within the digital sphere. Collectively, their work acts as an inquiry into the sociological implications of online death in the age of advanced capitalism—a complex, recently-emergent phenomenon whose consequences are yet to be fully understood.