← Photobooks
The Burtynsky Grant

2024 Burtynsky Grant
Deadline: Monday, September 16 by 11:59EST

Photographer Edward Burtynsky and CONTACT established the Burtynsky Grant in 2016–a $5,000 annual grant to support a Canadian artist in the creation of a photobook. The grant supports photo-based artists who are at the advanced stages of developing a cohesive, rigorous body of work presented in book form.

Please provide the following in one (1) PDF via filesharing service such as WeTransfer or Dropbox to [email protected]:

– Minimum 10 spreads (two pages side-by-side, like an open book) of your book dummy that best communicate your project and vision for publication. Full book submissions are also welcome.
– Project statement about your photobook
– Rough outline of how you would use the grant funding (ie. budget details regarding printing, distribution, design, etc)
– CV and/or artist statement
– Expressions of interest from publishers, if available (this is not mandatory, as you may be self-publishing)

Email [email protected] with your questions.


Since its inception, The Burtynsky Grant has supported a range of exceptional photobooks, many created by Canadian and international independent publishers.

Morris Lum, Tong Yan Gaai (2012-2022)

Honourable Mentions:

Cindy Blazevic, The Stink of Motherhood
Sandra Brewster, Blur
Chris M Forsyth, Montana Road Wreck. Published 2024 by Push Pull Editions.


Fatine-Violette Sabiri, Kiss Landing. Published 2024 by Éditions VU.

Honourable Mentions:

Oumayma Ben Tanfous, Intertwined
Bertrand Carrière, Une poignée d’étoiles (A Handful of Stars). Published 2023 by Éditons Loco Paris.
Tommy Keith, Don’t Forget to Wave. Self-published in 2023.
Julie Pasila, As Above

Cristian Ordóñez, Frequency. Self-published in 2023.

Honourable Mentions

Sara Knelman, Lady Readers. Published 2024 by Ottoby Press.
Jon Laytner, Normal and Boring
Rehab Nazzal, Driving in Palestine. Published 2023 by Fernwood Press.
Kyler Zeleny, Bury Me in the Back Forty. Published 2024 by The Velvet Cell.


Pamila Matharu, Index: Some of All Parts. Forthcoming.

Honourable Mentions

Leyla Godfrey, Four Walls With No Entrance
Esmond Lee, Below the City
Laurence Philomene, Puberty. Published 2022 by Yoffy Press.

Teresa Eng, China Dream. Published 2019 by Skinnerboox.

Honourable Mentions

Valerian Mazataud, Liwa Mairin. Self-published in 2021.
Luis Mora, Say it with Flowers. Self-published in 2019.
Heather Rattray, 98 Ways to Say Very Good

Birthe Piontek, Abendlied. Published 2019 by Gnomic Book.

Honourable Mentions

Eve Tagny, Lost Love
Ian Willms, We Shall See

The Broadbent Sisters, A Telepathic Book. Self-published in 2018.

Aaron Friend Lettner, Doorways. Published 2017 by Anchorless Press.