Jane Jin Kaisen

Jane Jin Kaisen is an artist, filmmaker, and Professor of the School of Media Arts at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Her practice spans the mediums of video installation, narrative experimental film, photography, performance, and text, and is informed by extensive interdisciplinary research and long-term engagement with diverse communities. Engaging topics such as memory, migration, borders, and translation, she activates the field where lived experience and embodied knowledge intersect with larger political histories. She represented Korea at the 58th Venice Biennale and has exhibited her work in a wide range of international contexts.

Jane Jin Kaisen
Burial of This Order, Jane Jin Kaisen, 2022–23 (video still). Courtesy of the artist

From the Archives

  • 2023 / core / exhibition

    Jane Jin Kaisen
    Braiding and Mending

    The two-channel video Braiding and Mending features South Korean-Danish artist Jane Jin Kaisen sitting with her sisters and nieces in a circle, the camera revolving around them in calm, meditative movements. Each participant combs and braids the hair of the woman in front of her, connecting them all in a perpetual cycle. The braiding becomes a memory-making gesture, and a process of mutual care and healing.