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The Gattuso Prize

Kablusiak, Piliutuyara (Robin Hood), 2021. Courtesy of the artist and Norberg Hall

The annual Gattuso Prize is awarded to one early-career CONTACT Festival artist whose work in the prior year’s Festival demonstrates promise and dedication to a rigorous lens-based practice. The award comprises a $5,000 prize and a future exhibition in the festival.

Kablusiak’s work was part of the Core Exhibition Now You See Me at Doris McCarthy Gallery in the 2022 Festival, curated by Sandy Saad-Smith. With the Gattuso Prize, CONTACT is pleased to recognize this emerging artist and looks forward to seeing their multifaceted practice grow.

Kablusiak is an Inuvialuk who creates art in a variety of mediums including, but not limited to, photography, lingerie, soapstone, Sharpie, bed sheets, felt, and words. Their work explores the dis/connections between existence in Inuit diaspora while maintaining family and community ties, the impacts of colonization on Inuit gender and sexuality expressions, as well as on health, wellbeing, and the everyday. Kablusiak holds a BFA from AUArts in Mohkinstsis, where they are currently based. Their work can be found in the collections of the Indigenous Art Centre, the Art Gallery of Alberta, and Global Affairs Visual Art Collection among others.

The Gattuso Prize formerly acknowledged an outstanding artist in the Juried Call Exhibition program of the Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival. Juried Call Exhibitions were selected to be part of the Festival through a submission process and are independently organized by artists, venues, and organizations across the city.

CONTACT gratefully acknowledges the generous support and contributions of La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso. The Foundation demonstrates strong leadership and influences innovation across all charitable sectors in Canada including health care, culture and the arts.

Past Winners

Anthony Gebrehiwot, From Boys to Men: The Road to Healing, Doris McCarthy Gallery – Instructional Centre Vitrines

Aaron Jones, Closed Fist, Open Palm, Zalucky Contemporary

Sophie Sabet, I Almost Didn’t Feel You Leave, Bradley Museum

Shadi Harouni and Elise Rasmussen, With an instinct for justice, Doris McCarthy Gallery

Sandra Brewster, It’s all a blur…, Georgia Scherman Projects

Lee Henderson, Never Letting Us Take Breath, Zalucky Contemporary

Jimmy Limit, Surplus, Clint Roenisch Gallery

Nadia Belerique, Have You Seen This Man, Daniel Faria Gallery

Marlene Creates, selected works from 30 years, 1982-2012, Paul Petro Contemporary Art

Lise Beaudry, Sur la glace / Walking on Ice, Art Gallery Of Mississauga

Andrew Wright, CORONAE, Peak Gallery